Friday, 19 October 2018



- Research question.

- Explaining my initial rationale and how I have moved my topics from focusing on the UK's obesity issue, to general packaging and marketing of food and drink. I will be focusing more on this as it leads into branding and advertisement and consumer choices in food and drink.

- Research so far, have heavily focused on colour theory and looking into how colour is used within packaging. 
Also looking into emotional connections that the consumer has with products and brands, which rely heavily on their packaging as it has a nostalgia factor to it. 
The importance of the feel of the packaging, and how many consumers would rather have something that looks and feels nice over something that is practical. 
Psychology behind purchasing and how we are influenced by other people and trends etc. Also relating this back to colour theory and how particular colours can have a psychological affect on consumer purchase. 
Started to watch Century of the self which focuses on consumerism and looking into how Edward Bernays transformed peoples interaction with products - changing from a need to a want.

- Potential topics to cover:
Advertising (which can be related back to branding)
Luxury vs basic products and their packaging
Healthy vs unhealthy food promotion (relating back to original rationale)

- Primary research task:
See how influential packaging is on a consumers opinion of a product. Even if the same product is being served would they still choose the more luxurious looking item over something more basic?

- Practical ideas:
Potentially looking into basic vs luxury and swapping the aesthetics of them. Design a luxury product with basic packaging and visa versa.

- Image research:
Packaging that has influenced me and looking into how healthy and unhealthy snacks are being designed. Look into common themes within colour choices and type choice.
Also potential packaging design that I would go into. 

Question is good and have a lot to talk about but need to decide whether you want to focus on psychological or social. 
Psychological will mean you focus more on the colour theory and decisions behind the design, whereas social is looking into what products different types of people are buying (i.e luxury over basic etc) 
Look into Tide and their test when they had the same box of soap but in different packaging and the responses they got from consumers.

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