A suggestion was made to me that I should experiment with different shapes for my box to see which worked best for the design. To respond to this I decided to test out a carton-style box (square). Straight away I preferred the layout for this as it seemed more appropriate for the style I was designing, I adjusted the design to work with the square format and printed it out to make a mock up.
When I made up the box however, I realised that the additional side which did not feature anything else was not needed so thought I would test out the design as a triangular box, similar to that of a Toblerone. This design worked well and I got rid of that side.
Once this was printed and mocked up, I thought of another box that could be made in a similar style to manage portion control. Spaghetti pasta is another ingredient that people struggle with when it comes to portions, so I thought I would design a box in the same style for spaghetti. This design was easy as I followed the same format and it meant that I had two outcomes at the end of the process.
These were my final designs that I had and were ready to be printed properly:
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